When you have 85k words written and you’re still not sure they make sense, it’s time for drastic measures. Well, maybe not drastic. Just different.

I’ve been working on the same book for two years, which means that I sort of forget what I’ve written from time to time. And reading it on my laptop wasn’t helping because I just start editing and editing and it doesn’t help my progress much because I still can’t put the entire story in context.

Enter brilliant idea. My Kindle!

I sent my manuscript document to my Kindle and have been reading it there. No editing allowed. Just note taking with a pencil and notebook. It’s so awesome, I can read it like a book, find areas to improve, things to move, but I don’t get bogged down by actually doing that, so I actually see the 85,000 words as a story. Wish I’d thought of this sooner!