So I love John Green’s books (although I didn’t love LOOKING FOR ALASKA as much as I absolutely adored AN ABUNDANCE OF KATHERINES, but I read AAoK before ALASKA). So when I saw that he had a new book that he co-wrote with David Levithan I was torn. Do I read it? I don’t normally read books with male protagonists and this one had two!!

Well, I just finished the book yesterday and I loved it. Each author did such a wonderful job and they’re so freaking funny. There’s a line in the last few pages that was so funny I had to tell my husband – who was sorta like, “and this is a book for teens?” because it’s kinda inappropriate (hint: it’s a line about Abercrombie & Fitch).

Anyway, if you’re looking for a wonderful story and lots of laughs, check out WILL GRAYSON, WILL GRAYSON (even if the title is sort of lackluster and doesn’t do the story justice).