Sadly, I’m coming to terms with the end of summer. It’s raining today, I’m inside a bookstore keeping cozy in a soft sweatshirt… and I’m not sad!! It’s kinda nice to fall into my fall routine. Would I like sunny and 85 degree weekends in the future, sure. But the kids are heading back to school, I’m seeing halloween stuff everywhere and there’s no denying that my favorite season is almost gone. Almost…
So I decided to make summer last a little longer by giving away 6 free copies of LOCAL GIRLS and RICH BOYS to 6 random readers who answer this question and post it in the comments section of my blog: What’s your favorite thing about Fall?
No need to say goodbye to the beach, ocean and warm summer nights if you’re reading about them! I’ll annouce the winners on September 8. So post your comment and good luck!!
My favorite thing about fall is the leaves changing color. I don’t get to see a whole lot of it in Chicago, though. The colors just are not as brilliant as they are in cities that aren’t so big and crowded. But I love to see the vibrant colors of the leaves on the trees.
I also love the sky. The autumn sky is impossibly blue, and big. And one of the best things? Fresh apple cider. Mmmm.
The things I like the most about the fall is that everything is starting again, like my dance classes which I love doing. To buy new fall outfits (and then take breaks in the shopping with the first hot chocolates, with cream ofcourse!) The dark will fall in earlier, and I love to curl up with a book when that happens, and the clock goes an hour back in time, so I get to sleep on hour longer..and I could go on and on like this!
My favorite thing abut fall is probably just the whole feel of it. When you walk outside, it’s kind of chilly, but it feels nice. It’s not a chill-to-the-bone cold, but it’s a nice transition from the heat of the summer.
I love the smell, too. As the color of the leaves change and fall to the ground, it just has this homey, warm feel that I absolutely love.
I also enjoy coming inside, and being able to enjoy all the hot chocolate and British tea. The new clothes for school is also a plus. I love getting new boots and shoes, too.
I really love being able to walk around with my cozy blanket and just sit on the couch watching t.v. or reading as the wind blows hard outside. It’s just a wonderful feeling to look forward to when school is just starting again.
I dont have a favorite thing about fall. I just love everything about it. I adore the feeling when i step outside and i feel that chilly breeze. Its not too cold that i have to be all bundled up like winter, but its not schorching hot like summer. Also, i love the leaves changing colors. Plus, school starts again, so i get to see my best friends again, and volleyball starts. Also, i love building huge leaf piles and jumping in them with my little sister. fall is without a doubt my favorite season.
Fall. What isn’t great about fall? Living in Georgia, fall brings a bit of sanity. The heat during the summer can make a person loose their mind.
Fall brings the great array of color that I love so much. It brings the warm feeling of wonder to the eye and the thought of home. The nice cozy feel you get from a warm sweater or cardigan c. The great excitement (though a little embarrassed to say) that comes with the start of college football season. Enjoying the wonderful taste of a hot chocolate that I have missed during the long hot summer. The fun of attending classes at college classes. Meeting up with old friends who were away for the summer. The excitement of bonfires, hikes in the parks, and the time when nights start to become longer and the daytime shorter. Lastly curling up on my bed with a cozy blanket and a great book.
So I repeat again. What isn’t great about fall? Fall is my beloved season of choice. It has always been…and it always will be.
My favorite thing about fall is Halloween. I know that’s probably a typical answer, but if you think about it i like Halloween for the same reason i like writing. you get to dress up and be someone else for a day, and how fun is that! Let’s face it, for those of us who aren’t famous authors real life is boring, so it’s nice to get a chance to be exciting and still know that the safety of boredom is always there waiting for you if you ever get out of your comfort zone. Besides, why wouldn’t i love a holiday that has free candy involved.
My grandparents live in the Endless Mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania. From when I was little, I have memories of playing outside of the end of their street: the sun getting low, the sky open to the stars, the color enhancement of the leaves, a gentle breeze, my brothers and cousins running around with me… It was the best! I especially love taking long walks in autumn, whether it’s around town or on a mountain trail.
At home, my mom would rake a track through the leaves so we could race. There was this game my dad created where someone would hide in the giant leaf pile and pop out unexpectedly.
Now that I’m older, I enjoy the apple cider, pies, and crisps, soccer and field hockey, clothes shopping with my best friend for the new year, pumpkin carving… Basically the crispness of autumn is what I love. It’s a gentle kiss on the cheek. 🙂