I received an email today from Maggie, who told me some exciting news. She and her friends at school have to create a book trailer as a project and they’re making one for THE BOOK OF LUKE! I’m so excited because I don’t have a trailer for LUKE and I totally think that book deserves one.
(For extra credit I’m answering their questions about the book in a video and sending it to them – gotta love extra credit!!)
I asked Maggie to send me the trailer when it’s completed so I can post it here. Can’t wait to see it. Good luck girls!
Thank you for helping out Maggie and her classmates. They are SO IMPRESSED that Maggie knows you. Turns out her friends have been reading your books longer than she has!
Maggie just told me she is playing Sean in the trailer. Ought to be interesting!
Did you ever receive the final video? I was looking forward to it.