I love the holidays, pretty much everything about them. And what’s helpful is that right now I’m writing a book that takes place around Christmas, which means I just have to look around for inspiration. And even though we haven’t had any snow in Boston yet it’s been fun writing about it and picturing it – I just wish it would really start falling!

The thing is, though, that there are tons of distractions around the holidays, and that tends to interfere with my writing. I write at a local bookstore so I get to look at all sorts of cool gifts for sale and that means less typing. And this weekend we went to a Yankee Gift Exchange (for those of you who don’t know what that is, you bring a gift and then everyone picks a number and you pick which gift you want and then you can “steal” a gift someone else has opened when it’s your turn). And then there’s Christmas shopping, of course.

I’m trying hard to finish this book but around this time of the year it’s hard!!